For Time - 13 min cap

Conga style, complete the following:

  • 40/30 cal row

  • 30 kettlebell box step-overs

  • handwalk

  • 30 front squats

  • synchro bar muscle-ups (quantities and movements vary for divisions - see details below)

  • THEN TURN AROUND TO MAKE YOUR WAY BACK, BUT SWITCH (athlete who lead on the way, must now follow, and vice versa)

  • 30 front squats

  • handwalk

  • 30 kettlebell box step-overs

  • 40/30 cal row

Details: 3, 2, 1…athletes 1 (the lead) will begin their row, and upon completion they will move to kettlebell box step overs, at which point athlete 2 (the tail) can begin their row. Athletes will continue making their way down the floor, but the tail (athlete 2) may not pass the lead (athlete 1) at any time and must wait to move to the next station until it’s clear (athlete may not do the same movement/station at the same time). Once athlete 1 gets to the rig movement (synchro bar MU / C2B + pull-ups / ring rows), they must wait until their partner is finished with front squats and can join then under the rig. Partners will then complete their division-specific rig work. Once both partners are done with rig work athletes with SWITCH POSITIONS - the lead is now the tail, and the tail is now the lead. Athletes will then work their way back toward the start line in the same conga-style manner.

Score is time (second finishing athlete passes finish line) - fastest time wins. If team gets capped, a second is added to the cap time for each rep not completed (ex: if one athlete finishes, but the second has 20 cals remaining, time is 13:20 - if both athletes do not finish, one having 20 cals remaining and the other in a tail position having 10 box step overs AND 30 cals remaining, time is 13:60.)


  • RX

    • kettlebell box step-overs: box 24/20, KB 70/53 lbs

    • handwalk around cone

    • front squats: 135/95 lbs

    • 20 synchro bar muscle-ups

  • Intermediate

    • kettlebell box step-overs: box 24/20, KB 53/35 lbs

    • handwalk (no minimum distance)

    • front squats: 95/65 lbs

    • 10 synchro chest-to-bar, THEN 20 individual pull-ups (10 per athlete, must complete all 10 before switching - we don’t care who goes first and second on pull-ups)

  • Novice

    • kettlebell box step-overs: box 24/20, KB 35/26 lbs

    • plank walk (AKA seal walk with sliders under toes)

    • front squats: 75/55 lbs

    • 40 ring rows (20 per athlete - must complete all 20 before switching, we don’t care who goes first and second on ring rows)


row: athletes must have feet in straps before pulling handle - athlete may not get off rower until their cal count is completed

kettlebell box step-overs: athletes may hold kettlebell in any way they want but kettlebell may not touch the box at any time - rep begins with athlete holding KB, stepping onto the top of box with both feet touching simultaneously, and rep is finished when both athletes feet come down on the other side of the box (maintaining control of the KB throughout) - athletes do NOT need to show full extension at the top of the movement, and athletes may NOT step up on corners and must use straight edge sides (please note that for COED teams only, athletes are responsible for flipping their box - 24 for men, 20 for women)

RX hand walking around cone: hands must begin behind hand walking line and as feet leave the ground athlete may make progress. Athlete must proceed unbroken (without feet touching ground) at least into the cone section about 20" feet from start line (both hands past line). Once in cone section, athlete must hand walk around the cone (not pirouette), and make their way into the next section without feet coming down. Once both hands are in the final section, athletes may come down if they need to, before kicking back up to complete final 20 feet of handwalk. Athletes may do this entire portion unbroken if adhering to standards, OR break into 3 parts (each which must be unbroken individually to move on).

Intermediate hand walking: hands must begin behind hand walking line and as feet leave the ground athlete may make progress - these don’t have to be pretty so even if it’s a couple steps at a time you’re fine. Judges will track where hands left off, so athletes may restart as needed. Athlete is complete when both hands cross finish line.

Seal walk: feet go on sliders and hands start behind the line - throughout seal walk, only parts of body that can touch the ground are hands and sliders but other than that, no strict body position standards (judges will track where hands are so if knees come down or athlete rests, you pick up where you left off) - athlete is not complete until hands AND feet pass finish line (sliders must get back to start line after athlete 1 and before athlete 2 begins - this can be done by either athlete)

front squat: rep begins when athlete has barbell in front rack position and descends to show hip crease below knee crease (you are allowed to squat clean first rep) - rep is complete when athlete stands and shows complete extension of knees and hips

synchro bar muscle-ups: (athletes must synchronized at the top) rep begins with arms extended and feet behind vertical plane , and rep is complete when athletes shows full extension of arms above/slightly in front of rig (do NOT push away as you extend arms) simultaneously - we don’t care if you do gliding kips or classic kips so not standards between start and finish - if one athlete fails and the other succeeds they are permitted to wait at the top while their partner attempts again

synchro chest-to-bar: rep begins with both athlete’s arms extended and feet behind vertical plane, and rep is complete when both athlete’s chests makes contact with horizontal rig bar simultaneously (you can complete these kipping, butterfly or strict but you MUST hit both required standards)

pull-ups: rep begins with arms extended and feet behind vertical plane, and rep is complete when chin ascends above the horizontal plane of the rig bar (you can complete these kipping, butterfly or strict but you MUST hit both required standards)

ring rows: straps must remain reasonably vertical throughout movement - rep begins with athlete directly under rings with arms fully extended AND legs fully extended with only heels on the ground, rep is complete when athlete ascends to touch chest to rings (the standard is designed to make these more challenging than what you might do for volume in an every-day workout) - bottom of rings are approximately 43” from ground


This is worth 1 score. Lowest time wins.


