For Time - 2 Rounds For Time (cap: 11 minutes)

  • partner worm lunge

  • THEN 2 ROUNDS (each athlete does 1 round while the other athlete completes a backward worm drag down and back)

    • 21 wallballs

    • 15 toes-to-bar

    • 7/5 rope climbs

    • 15 toes-to-bar

    • 21 wallballs

  • partner worm lunge

Details: 3, 2, 1…athletes will begin together at the start line to lunge the worm down the floor toward the rig. Once they approach the rig and drop the worm, one athlete will begin their wallballs while the other begins their backward bear hug worm drag (down and back). Once the full round of work is finished at the rig, athletes will switch spots. If one athlete finishes before the other, they must wait until their partner is finished before switching. Athletes are NOT permitted to switch in the middle of a round and both athlete must complete a full round of rig work in it’s entirety. Once both athletes have completed rounds and worm drags, they will lunge the worm back to the start line together for a finish time. Score is time - fastest time wins. If team gets capped, a second is added to the cap time for each rep not completed.


  • RX

    • partner worm lunge

      • Men: 140 lbs, Coed: 130 lbs, Women: 110 lbs

    • wallballs: 20/14 lbs

    • rope climbs: legless (permitted to jump up)

  • Intermediate

    • partner worm lunge

      • Men: 130 lbs, Coed: 110 lbs, Women: 90 lbs

    • wallballs: 20/14 lbs

    • rope climbs: standard (permitted to jump up)

  • Novice

    • partner worm lunge

      • Men: 90 lbs, Coed: 85 lbs, Women: 75 lbs

    • straight leg raises (instead of toes-to-bar)

    • wallballs: 14/10 lbs

    • rope climbs: progressions


legless rope climb: athletes may jump into climb - rep begins when athlete starts ascending using arms only - rep is complete when athlete touches crossbar at top AND descends with full control - FEET MUST TOUCH FLOOR BEFORE LETTING GO (aka, NO JUMPING DOWN - athletes MAY use feet during descent)

intermediate rope climb: athlete may jump - rep begins when athlete ascends (men will touch crossbar at the top, women will touch the top of the rope fixture which is slightly lower) - rep is complete when athlete descends in full control - FEET MUST TOUCH FLOOR BEFORE LETTING GO (aka, NO JUMPING DOWN)

novice progression (ground-to-stand) rope climb: athletes begin rep flat on back WITH ROPE COMPLETELY VERTICAL (no angle - we don’t care where the feet are placed but shoulders must be directly under the rope), athlete ascends to a full stand (knees and hips extended), then descends down, controlled, back to start position to finish rep

worm lunges: athletes get worm on same shoulder in any fashion they chose - then in a synchronized fashion both athletes begin walking lunges forward, tapping back knee each rep and coming to a full standing position at the top (knees and hips at full extension). Athletes may NOT take mini steps forward to adjust feet. If athletes drop worm, they must pickup where they left off and continue until BOTH feet of BOTH athletes are past designated line.

worm drag: athlete must bear hug worm, and walking backward, make their way down the floor - at least 1 end of the worm must be off the ground (it’s acceptable for both to be off the gound if athlete chooses). There will be lines on both sides of the floor and athletes body and entire worm must be across before turning around. Worm drag is complete when both athletes feet AND the worm are fully across the finish line. If athlete drops worm in the middle of a drag, they just pick up where they left off to continue.

wallballs: rep begins with ball in hands and athlete descending to squat to show hip crease below knee crease (you are allowed to squat clean to start first rep), rep is complete when athlete ascends and throws wallball to the front (NOT bottom edge) of target (roughly 9-9.5ft)

toes-to-bar: rep begins with athlete hanging from rig, arms extended and feet behind vertical plane - rep is complete when both feet touch rig simultaneously between hands

straight-ish leg raises: rep begins with athlete hanging from rig with arms extended and feet behind vertical plane - rep is complete when both feet (with straight-ish legs) ascend above hip crease simultaneously (both feet and both athletes) to show less than 90 degrees - remember that if you are swinging, just because your feet are above the horizontal plane does NOT mean you’ve met the standard, we will be watching the hip angle


This is worth 1 score. Lowest time wins. If you cap out we add .01 of a second for every rep not completed.


