Summer sideshow: Events, standards & Schedule

Event Overview

Each event will be on a 5 minute clock, with 2 minutes to unload bar afterward (athletes are responsible for removing their weight when the time expires and leaving the station the way they found it), and 14 minutes between events (a total non-working period of 16 minutes). Athletes will be responsible for loading their weight, writing weight on their designated whiteboard, spotting one another, reporting to their next station at their designated time, etc. Judges only duty is confirming weight, counting reps and ensuring standards are met!

Bench, S2O and back squat will come from the rack. Others will come from the floor.

Event 1: 1 rep max deadlift: both athletes find a 1 rep max (standard - no sumo allowed) - athletes are permitted to go back and forth

*deadlift standard: athlete begins with standard deadlift set up, pulling weight to a fully vertical position (shoulders over hips) with knees and hips fully extended (athletes are permitted to drop weight upon completion of lift) - rep must be completed in it’s entirety before time expires

*score: top weight successfully lifted by each athlete is recorded, and partner weights are combined for an overall total (lbs)

Event 2: Max weight lifted via hang power snatches: each athletes selects their weight, lifts for max reps/weight within their designated consecutive 2.5 minutes split evenly (loading, unloading, transition will all occur within that time - no scheduled transition)

*hang power snatch standard: athlete must begin rep above top of knee, pull barbell overhead (must catch above top of head) to show full extension of knees, hips and arms (do NOT drop barbell from overhead or you will be penalized 2 reps)

*score: each athlete selects their preferred weight, and score is the weight used times the number of reps completed (athletes totals are combined) for an overall total (lbs)

Event 3: 10 rep max back squat: both athletes find a 10 rep max - you’ll need to strategize because you won’t have a lot of time or energy for multiple sets

*back squat standard: with barbell on back, athlete must descend to show hip crease below top of knee (just under the 90 degree point), then ascend to show full extension of hips and knees (all 10 reps must be completed consecutively and in their entirety before time expires) (if partner is spotting and makes any contact with barbell, rep doesn’t count)

*score: top weight successfully lifted by each athlete is recorded, and partner weights are combined for an overall total (lbs)

Event 4: 2 rep max shoulder-to-overhead: both athletes find a 2 rep max - athletes are permitted to go back and forth

*shoulder-to-overhead standard: athlete begins in front rack position, use any method to get barbell overhead (shoulder press, push press, push jerk, split jerk), completed when athlete stands with feet together and knees, hips and arms fully extended

*score: top weight successfully lifted by each athlete is recorded, and partner weights are combined for an overall total (lbs)

Event 5: 1 rep max clean: both athletes find a 1 rep max clean (any position is accepted) - athletes are permitted to go back and forth

*clean standard: rep begins when athlete pulls barbell from floor or hang position, and is complete when athlete stands showing full extension of knees and hips, and elbows in front of barbell (athletes are permitted to complete in any way - hang, power, squat)

*score: top weight successfully lifted by each athlete is recorded, and partner weights are combined for an overall total (lbs)

Event 6: 3 rep max bench: both athletes find a 3 rep max bench - athletes are permitted to go back and forth, and are responsible for spotting one another

*bench standard: partner may facilitate removing barbell from rack - rep begins with athlete showing full arm extension (with no support), barbell descending to make contact with chest, then extending to show full arm extension at the top (with control) - partner may facilitate putting barbell back in rack (if partner is spotting and makes any contact with barbell, rep doesn’t count)

*score: top weight successfully lifted by each athlete is recorded, and partner weights are combined for an overall total (lbs)

Event 7: Max weight lifted via I-go-you-go thrusters: each athlete selects their own weight and loads a barbell once the clock starts (2 barbells at this station), and accumulate as many reps/weight lifted as possible (adhering to the i-go-you-go format)

*thruster standard: thruster begins with barbell in front rack position, with hip crease below top of knee (athlete may begin with squat clean or standing) and rep is complete when athlete stands pushing barbell overhead showing full extension of knees, hips and arms

*score: each athlete selects their preferred weight, and score is the weight used times the number of reps completed (i-go-you-go format) for an overall total (lbs)


Check-In: Athletes are permitted to check-in at the front desk (this will include a quick weigh-in and ID age check) anytime before they compete (earliest check-in time will be 7:45am on Sunday). We decided with a smaller group, no need for early check-in!

Team Start Times (once athletes start, they should plan to be on and off for a little over 2 hours - athletes need to watch the clock and report to their next station prior to the clock starting or risk missing a station score):

Swole Sisters, 8:45am

NACF Girls, 8:52am

The Gym Rats, 8:59am

Cougar Nation, 9:06am

Kinda Fit, Sorta Strong, 9:13am

Forces of Faith, 9:20am

Jonie & Angie, 9:27am

Thicc and Tired, 9:34am

Brothas From Another Mother, 9:41am

Wild Hogs, 9:48am

Don’t Give A Squat, 9:55am

5am Gym Bullies, 10:02am

Twin Towers, 10:09am

F-Bomb Moms, 10:16am

Grit & Grace, 10:23am

The Aquatic Vikings, 10:30am

Dangerously Delirious, 10:37am

Resting Lift Face, 10:44am

Clarks Clowns, 10:51am

DT, 10:58am

Chalk Dirty To Me, 11:05am

Bigger N Badder, 11:12am

Javi x 2, 11:19am

Davey Made Us Do It, 11:26am



